x86 Assembly Notes

Data Accessing methods

Immediate Mode

The data to access is embedded in the instruction. Example: movl $0 %eax <— Move the literal number zero into register eax

register addressing mode

The instruction contains a register to access

Memory Access Modes

  • Direct Addressing Mode

    The instruction contains the memory address to access. Example: movl 202 %eax <— word starting at address 202 into register eax

  • Indexed Addressing Mode

    Like Direct Addressing Mode, where an address is given, but an index register is also specified to offset the address. On x86 processors, you can also specify a multiplier

  • Indirect Addressing Mode

    The instruction contains a register that holds a memory address to access. Example: movl (%esp) %eax <— Grabs the data at the memory address held in esp

  • Base Pointer Addressing Mode

    Like Indirect Addressing Mode, but with an offset also given. Example: movl 4(%esp) %eax <— Adds 4 to the address in esp then fetches that data in memory.

Calling Convention

The way variables are stored, parameters are passed, and return values are transferred. This varies from language to language. One can use any calling convention when programming in Assembly. The programmer can even come up with their own calling convention

Linux uses the C calling conventions


Other languages can have interoperability with assembly functions. In order for this to work though, the language's calling convention has to be used with the Assembly functions.

C calling convention

In the C calling convention, the stack is used heavily to hold function information. The stack holds:

  • local variables
  • parameters
  • return address

The Stack

The stack lives at the very top addresses of memory, and grows down Things can be pushed onto the stack with pushl and popl, where "l" is presumably for "long"

Stack registers

  • %esp: holds a pointer to the top of the stack, starting at the highest address

Pushing and popping

When we push onto the stack, %esp gets subtracted by 4 (stack grows down) When we pop from the stack, %esp gets added by 4

Calling functions

Before executing a function, all the parameters are pushed onto the stack in reverse order. Afterwards, The call instruction is issued which indicates which function will be executed, the address of the next instruction is pushed onto the stack (the return address), and the instruction pointer (%eip) is modified to point to the start of the function.

Here's the Stack so far:

Parameter #N
Parameter 2
Parameter 1
Return Address <— (%esp)

The function still has some work to do:

  • Save the current base pointer register (%ebp) onto the stack. The %ebp register is used to access parameters and local variables. We don't want to overwrite it if there was something previously there, so it gets "backed up" somewhere else.
  • Copy the stack pointer to %ebp (movl %esp %ebp) This lets you use the base pointer as a sort of index to access the parameters. Using the stack pointer isn't recommended, as the stack may change as things are pushed and popped onto it (Like pushing arguments to other functions). Copying the stack pointer at the start of every function makes it so you always know where your function parameters are (As well as local variables).

    The stack now looks like this:

Parameter #N <— N*4+4(%ebp)
Parameter 2 <— 12(%ebp)
Parameter 1 <— 8(%ebp)
Return Address <— 4(%ebp)
Old %ebp <— (%esp) and (%ebp)

The function then reserves space on the stack for any local variables. This is done by moving the stack pointer down a certain number of bytes. Let's say we wanted to reserve 8 bytes for local variables. We can do that by just subl $8 %esp. This is done so we don't have to worry about clobbering them with pushes for function calls. All of this is being done on the function's stack frame, so when it returns, all the variables will cease to exist

The stack now looks like this:

Parameter #N <— N*4+4(%ebp)
Parameter 2 <— 12(%ebp)
Parameter 1 <— 8(%ebp)
Return Address <— 4(%ebp)
Old %ebp <— (%ebp)
Local Variable 1 <— -4(%ebp)
Local Variable 2 <— -8(%ebp) and (%esp)

All the data can be accessed using base pointer addressing, and using different offsets from %ebp. %ebp exists for this exact purpose Other registers can be used for base pointer addressing, but x86 architecture makes using %ebp really fast.

returning from the function

When a function is done executing, it has to:

  1. Store the return value in %eax.
  2. Restore the stack to what it looked like previously
  3. Return control back to wherever it was called from. This is done using the ret instruction, which pops whatever was at the top of the stack, and sets the %eip register to that value (the address of the instruction after call).

This all has to be done in that exact order for everything to work properly. If the stack wasn't restored before ret, ret wouldn't function properly.

So to return, the following must be done:

movl %ebp, %esp # Have the stack pointer (esp) point to where ebp is pointing
popl %ebp

You should consider all local variables inaccessible, as future stack pushes will overwrite them. Let's look at this visually.

movl %ebp, %esp:

Parameter #N <— N*4+4(%ebp)
Parameter 2 <— 12(%ebp)
Parameter 1 <— 8(%ebp)
Return Address <— 4(%ebp)
Old %ebp <— (%ebp) and (%esp)
Local Variable 1 <— -4(%ebp)
Local Variable 2 <— -8(%ebp)

popl %ebp:

Parameter #N
Parameter 2
Parameter 1
Return Address <— (%esp)
Local Variable 1
Local Variable 2

Here, the Old %ebp value that was on the stack is popped, and placed back into %ebp. And since we ran popl, %esp now points to the return address. We can finally execute the ret instruction.

Once out of the function, the parameters need to be popped off